Our favorite recipes for Genevan chicken

Looking for delicious Genevan roast chicken recipes?
The history of roast chicken dates back to the 16th century. It was originally a poule au pot that Henri IV asked for after a hunting trip.
In this article we suggest 2 recipes to enjoy with roast chicken from Geneva!
At Meaty, you'll find the chicken (half and whole) you need for these recipes.
Here are the recipes explored in this article:
1. Roast chicken with potatoes

- 1 chicken
- potatoes
- olive oil
- salt
- pepper
- spices of your choice
- Preheat oven to 180°C
- Place the chicken on a baking sheet or dish that can accommodate the chicken and potatoes.
- Brush the chicken all over with olive oil and season with salt, pepper and other spices of your choice.
- In a separate dish, brush the potatoes with oil and the same spices used for the chicken.
- Place the chicken in the oven, remove after 30 minutes and arrange the potatoes around the chicken.
- Bake for another 1 hour and you're done!
Half or whole chicken, 18 CHF / kg
2. Roast chicken with beer and honey

- 1 chicken
- 1 can of beer
- honey
- salt
- pepper
- spices of your choice
- Preheat oven to 190°C
- Season chicken with salt, pepper and other spices of your choice
- Stack the chicken through the large hole at the back onto a half-empty beer can (reserve the remaining beer).
- Place the chicken on an ovenproof dish to catch the cooking juices and pour the rest of the beer into the dish.
- Bake for 1h30
- While cooking, baste the chicken with the recovered juices.
- At the end of the cooking time, brush the chicken with honey.
Half or whole chicken, 18 CHF / kg